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Welcome to sn College

sncollege Sree Narayana College, Kannur is one of the biggest institutions of higher education in Kannur District. The College was founded in the name of His Holiness Sree Narayana Guru, the greatest saint and social reformer. The founder manager, Late R Sankar made pioneering efforts to start a group pioneering efforts to start a group of institutions named after Sree Narayana Guru.The college was established in 1960 by the people of Thiyya community under the leadership of late R Shankar by collecting resources in both cash and kind from the people of Kannur. Shankar, the founder manager, christened the institution after the great saint and social reformer Sree Narayana Guru as Sree Narayana College Kannur, and brought it under the management of Sree Narayana Trusts, Kollam. The college was formally inaugurated by R. Shankar the then Chief Minister of Kerala on 6th July, 1960, and now it is sixty years old.



Sree Narayana Guru - 1856 - 1928

August 1856 when a child was born in a humble cottage in the pretty hamlet of Chempazhanthi near Trivandrum, no one knew it marked the dawn of the most remarkable epoch in the social evolution of Kerala. This child was to blossom forth as the great sage Sree Narayana, the most revolutionary social reformer Kerala has produced. To have proper appreciation of the magnitude of Sree Narayana's achievements, it is necessary to understand the background of the social conditions in which he was born and brought up. Kerala, reputed for its natural beauty and richness of life, was alas, the accursed land of caste tyranny at that time; to such an extent that it was really a "lunatic asylum" as Swami Vivekananda branded it...


principal's message

Empowering Minds, Enriching Futures

It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I extend a warm welcome to you all to Sree Narayana College, an institution committed to academic excellence, holistic development, and creating responsible global citizens.
At Sree Narayana College, we uphold the values and principles set forth by our visionary founder, Sree Narayana Guru. Our mission is to provide a transformative education that nurtures not only intellectual growth but also fosters ........

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Our Vision

Enlightenment Through Education, Strength Through Organization

Our Mission

To attain the noble notion of equality based on human dignity and thus practice the ideal “Enlightenment through Education”....