• sncollegekannur@gmail.com
  • 0497 - 2731085, Fax : 91- 497 - 2731400
SN College



a. Introduction: Addressing environmental issues is a multidisciplinary task and for its objective accomplishment, a strong action on awareness building is essential. If taken up at the cutting edge levels, it helps in changing the attitude of the society. For attaining this objective, it is appropriate to exploit the enormous manpower available with the students because they form the most important community having influence both in the family and in the society and also devoid of any vested interests. The central programme ‘National Green Corps’ is being pursued at school level eco-club. For strengthening the environmental commitment of students at college level in the State, Directorate of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC) has launched the ‘Bhoo Mithra Sena’ programme. Through this programme, it is intended to establish Bhoo Mithra Sena Clubs (BMCs) in all districts through the colleges of the State. Now it is extended to Higher Secondary Schools in the State as well.

b. Objectives

  • To encourage the students to appreciate environment and environmental issues of the locality
  • To provide environmental education opportunities for students and involve them in addressing environmental issues of the locality
  • To utilize the enormous manpower available with students as conduits for awareness of the society
  • To make students practice and advocate sustainable lifestyles
  • To improve the overall environmental quality of the institution.

c. Coverage:
‘Bhoo Mithra Sena’ will be supported in all govt. and aided Colleges / Higher Secondary Schools in the State

d. Methodology:

  • The scheme shall be operated through ‘Bhoo Mithra Sena clubs’ (BMCs) to be formed in participating Colleges/ Higher Secondary Schools
  • Each such BMC should have at least 50 student members, who show interest in environment related issues and are ready to contribute a token sum of Rs.10/- per year for the BMC. There is no upper limit for number of students.
  • Each BMC will be advised/ supervised by a Faculty-in charge (FIC), who is selected from among the teachers of the member College / HSS on the basis of his/ her interest in environment related issues by the Principal.
  • Directorate of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC) will coordinate the implementation of the scheme in the State.

e. Selection of participant clubs and Criteria for selection of Colleges/Higher Secondary Schools.
All Government and Aided colleges/Higher Secondary Schools and University campuses located within Kerala state shall be eligible to participate. State Level Environmental Awareness Evaluation Committee will select the Institutions based on their proposed activities.


i) Each participating institution with a BMC would be given an initial assistance of Rs.25, 000/-. The Student members of the BMC and FIC would decide on using the sum for their activities in consultation with the Principal.

ii) 10% of total annual expenditure on the scheme in the state shall be earmarked towards administrative expenses including unforeseen expenses.

iii) Instituting awards as follows shall also be considered subject to approval of Government:

Best BMC Awards:
Based on the performance of each BMCs, best clubs will be selected (one from college level and one from HSS level) from three zones such as South zone, Central zone & North zone. The award amount shall be given to the concerned participating College/School and the Principal/FIC may utilize the amount for undertaking any environment management action plan and a utilization certificate in KFC 44, Expenditure Statement and report shall be submitted.

South Zone Central Zone North Zone
Thiruvananthapuram Kottayam Malappuram
Kollam Idukki Wayanad
Alappuzha Ernakulam Kozhikode
Pathanamthitta Thrissur Kannur
Palakkad Kasargode

iv) Fund-flow mechanism: The grants and funds for the BMCs will be released by DoECC to the Head of the institution after executing a biparty agreement with DoECC. This amount should be managed by the Colleges/Schools through a dedicated separate bank account (in any of the nationalized banks) exclusively for this purpose. The grant-in aid shall be released in lump sum as advance payment.


List of suggested activities for BMCs (only tentative)
  • Organize Seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the College/ Schools and surrounding areas.
  • Field visits to local environmentally important sites including polluted and degraded sites, wild life parks, coastal areas, etc.
  • Organize awareness camps to propagate waste minimization, personal hygiene habits and sustainable life styles.
  • Observance of environmentally significant days: (It is mandatory for BMCs to observe at least two of the following days).
  1. 1. World Wetland Day - 2nd February
  2. 2. World Forestry Day - 21st March
  3. 3. World Water Day - 22nd March
  4. 4. World Meteorological Day - 23rd March
  5. 5. World Earth Day - 22nd April
  6. 6. International Bio Diversity Day - 22nd May
  7. 7. World Environment Day - 5th June
  8. 8. World Ocean Day - 8th June
  9. 9. World Ozone Day - 16th September
  10. 10. National Pollution Prevention Day - 2nd December
  • Mobilize awareness against environmentally unsound practices like garbage disposal in unauthorized places, unsafe disposal of hospital wastes, etc.
  • Actions based activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives within and outside the campus, maintain waste management units, construct water harvesting structures, practice recycling etc.
  • Prepare inventories of polluting sources; take mitigation measures if possible, and if not, forward it to enforcement agencies
  • Monitor the water quality of water bodies in and around the campus, including drinking water sources and ascertains its potability and suitability of use. The concerned district office of KSPCB will assist in water quality testing etc.
  • Curriculum related assignments on local environmental issues including pollution monitoring, biodiversity surveys, Waste management, documentation of indigenous traditional knowledge etc
  • Prepare locally relevant resource materials.

B) Role of Implementers

i. Role of DoECC
  • To coordinate participating institutions and organize state level activities
  • To organize training programs for the FICs and student members
  • To provide publicity for the programme to encourage more institutions and students to join BMCs.
  • To organize evaluation and monitoring of the scheme with the help of State Level Environmental Awareness Evaluation Committee (SLEAEC).

ii. Composition and role of State Level Environmental Awareness Evaluation Committee

(a) Composition

Secretary to Government, Environment Department Chairman
Director, Directorate of Environment & Climate Change Member
Director of Collegiate Education, Kerala Member
Director of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala Member
Member Secretary, Kerala State Biodiversity Board Member
Member Secretary, Kerala State Pollution Control Board Member
Environment Programme Manager, Directorate of Environment & Climate Change Convener

(b) Functions

  • Accord approval to the participating colleges and provide code numbers.
  • Review the performance of the BMCs
  • To review periodically the implementation of the scheme and suggest the activities to be taken up at District Level.
  • To select best clubs at zonal level based on the performance of each BMCs.

iii) Role of FIC in BMC

The Faculty in charge (FIC) of BMC plays a key role in the implementation of the scheme. He/She should encourage more students to join the club. He/ She should take creative steps to implement the activities suggested in the scheme, which are relevant to that region. Main functions of FIC include:

  • To bring together the BMC members every week for one hour at least and take up some activity.
  • To encourage the students to suggest activities for the following weeks and make a list of it. Make necessary preparations for their execution in consultation with the Principal.
  • To document the activities and communicate to this office with the support of photographs.
  • Send final report, Utilization Certificate (KFC Form 44) and Expenditure Statement to Directorate of Environment & Climate Change on or before 31st December.
  • Participate in all the interactive meetings/training programmes organized by DoECC.