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World Zoonoses Day celebration

As part of the World Zoonoses Day celebration, the Indian Veterinary Association, Kannur, and the Zoology Department of S.N. College organized an awareness class on zoonotic diseases at the S.N. College seminar hall on July 5, 2024, at 10 AM. The program aimed to raise awareness about disease prevention measures in light of zoonotic diseases like rabies, Nipah, avian flu, leptospirosis, anthrax, and brucellosis. Dr. Ranjini A.R., a veterinary surgeon from the Kannur Regional Diagnostic Laboratory, conducted the class. A quiz competition and a poster presentation competition were organized for the students, with prizes awarded to the winners. The event was presided over by Dr. Sarika P., President of the Indian Veterinary Association, Kannur. Dr. Neenu P., State Committee Member of IVA, Dr. Savitha M.K., President of IVA Kannur Taluk, Dr. Jayamohanan T.V., Chairman of the Seminar Committee, and Dr. Prasad B.O., Assistant Professor of the Zoology Department, delivered felicitations. Dr. Preethakumari V.M., Head of the Zoology Department, welcomed the gathering, and Dr. Jishnu P., District Treasurer of IVA, gave the vote of thanks. Assistant Professor Ms. Nithinya was the moderator.